
Zoom info privacy
Zoom info privacy

These sources include corporate websites, press releases, news articles, Security and Exchange Commission filings, job postings, and other online sources that provide information about industries, locations, revenue, and additional company attributes. Zoominfo’s data is updated through automated machine learning, which views a variety of public information on over 28 million site domains every day. It simply provides the type of information that is typically found on a business card, an email signature block, or a public professional profile. It does not provide sensitive personal information of any kind. ZoomInfo processes only business contact information in the EU: company, job title, work email address, work phone number, etc. We are contacting you under the ‘legitimate interest’ basis. The data we are using to contact you with has been sourced through using publicly available sources. You will have an opportunity to unsubscribe or update your contact details on all communications we send.All communication will encourage you to confirm your interest and give permission to communicate through The Solicitors’ Charity Register or other sign up forms on the website.We will contact people by emails and post only.We limit our use of information to 30 days.Only send information where there is a legitimate interest.Only use highly targeted and relevant data.When using third party data we commit to: In order to offer our support to an ever increasing number of Solicitors we work with marketing and data partners. We are doing this in a number of ways including post, email and social media. We have a mission to contact every solicitor in the UK. You can read our full Privacy Policy here but we want to make a specific point about the emails you may receive from us.

zoom info privacy

We only ever want to engage with solicitors that are interested in our information, support and work and we are totally transparent and flexible with regards to contact preferences and data.

Zoom info privacy